Berlin, June 2020
Silvia Conde. Photographer, mother and plastic free movement advocate.
She loves Mother Nature and she just began the project An Ode to Mother

What did you miss the most being in confinement?
The physical presence of friends. At least, the virus has been a strong bond between us and we’ve connected through the Internet.
What grounds you?
Walking barefoot, laying on the ground, the smell of wet earth, an appropriate yoga practice, a guided savasana, a long walk in the forest, meditation.

Where do you want to go when the lockdown ends?
I hope I can visit my friends and family in Barcelona. I also would like to fly to Mallorca and show its beauty for the first time to our baby.
Which are your wishes for the ‘new normal’ times?
More awareness and more active action by those who would like things to change.
What is your contribution for a better world?
I believe that our daily choices have a consequence for the environment. I try to keep that in mind in my everyday life.

What is your criteria for choosing clothes you buy?
I’m a big fan of sustainable brands. While I know that there isn’t such thing as 100% sustainable fashion, there are many brands trying to make a change through their production process and chain and their ethics. In Berlin, I love a second hand shop called Neu Zwei, Barbara collects the best pieces.
What do you think that makes a garment timeless?
I ask myself: are the materials made to last? Could I wear it forever?
A film/ a song/ a book.
Since I gave birth, I haven't been able to watch many films. I’ve been having an Italian phase during the past weeks, where I have danced Centro di gravetà permanente by Franco Battiato a lot with my baby. One of the latests books I’ve purchased is Living on the Earth by Alicia Bay Laurel. It’s a treasure
#figpeople is a series of interviews to people that in a way or another are connected to figtree, to its philosophy and to me. I decided to start this interviews with the intention to share one of my most valuable treasures, the amazing community of people that I love and care for. I feel very grateful to have them around.
With love,